Wednesday, October 28, 2009

FLUE-EE PART 1.5 ...Milk it!

Dear Friend,

So you took tons of Vitamin C, echinacea, cleaned your sinuses with your neti pot, got adjusted, cut out all sugar and still got the flu. You know the old saying: epidemics are made, they don't just happen. But don't panic's my expert advise:


Oh, yeah ...I'm talking the Full Monty. It's a FLU, just like back in the day, no more, no less. So do it old-school: Get all cozy on the couch, wrapped up in your favorite blankie or one of those really cool Snuggies. Have at least 3 boxes of Puffs Plus within reach. Pull on those thick wool socks or those light-weight fleecey ones. Keep a simmering kettle on the stove with a non-stop flow of tea coming your way. Watch tons of stupid TV Oprah giving away free cars to those who can't afford the sales tax. (Stay away from FOXnews ...even your President says you don't need that kind of brain damaging dribble in your weakened state.) And ...whenever possible ...get OTHERS to do things for YOU!

GET INTO IT I'm not kidding! Let EVERYONE KNOW so that your friends, family, and co-workers will send their condolences and concerned Facebook updates ...wondering and even worrying about how you are! Consider posting hour-by-hour Twitter updates. They'll FEEL SORRY FOR YOU while you get to be with your favorite person (YOU!) without any distractions or pesky deadlines. Because here's the best part: When else can you take up to a WHOLE WEEK OFF FROM WORK AWAY FROM ALL THOSE IRRITATING CO-WORKERS with no penalty? It's like you won the lottery!!! Oh, happy days!!! Go on ...pour yourself another steaming cup of Throat Coat!

Don't forget that if someone calls you, bring your best game face; sniffle as much as possible, cough really, really hard a few times to stoke their concern (you'll evoke that great phrase, "Oh my God sound AWFUL!"), and if you can --sneeze huge so they'll feel compelled to leave you the hell alone ...just what you want, and need. (If you can't muster a good sneeze right then ...just grab the cat and rub it under your nose ...100% guaranteed to get you a "God Bless You!" or a "Gesundheit!" followed quickly by a resounding "Good Bye!" ...leaving you like Marlene Dietrich ...ALONE.

I know you have a smile on your face! You're thinking, "Damn ...that's sounding good right now with all that's going on in the office ...but I'm not even sick." Well ...not YET, BOYYYEEE!

You see, a cold, flu, or any other type of sinus infection is an adult "time-out" ...where your bodymind has had enough of the kids, your significant other, or that idiot transfer from Cincinnati that's making you look bad. Of course we can't "time out" like we could when we were kids we let nature do her thing by creating a socially acceptable way to pull it off.

LET ME MAKE THIS PERFECTLY CLEAR: The absolute worst thing you can do is FEEL BAD about being sick! Only a crazy person would do that. I mean ...why in hell would you want to miss an opportunity to be GRUMPY, SLOPPY, INDULGENT, and LAZY all at the same time? And it comes with SYMPATHY!! It's a no-brainer. Plus, negativity will make the illness dig into those dark corners where -- believe me -- you don't want to go.

And here's yet another bonus: If you do it right and follow your instincts, you'll probably lose about 10lbs of toxic waste ...remnants from all the late-summer partying. Why else do you think these flu things come in the fall? And make no mistake ...the detoxing from the flu is a HUGE part of its healing design. So embrace it's grace.

Here's a thought to ponder: Using the logic above, an epidemic is a large-scale wish for many to take a time-out. It's like we all need a break and a re-set to deeply detox from the Bush years, from the great push of the election, the fears of economic collapse, fears of terrorism, global warming, the current political un-civil war, and questions of why on God's good earth didn't Adam Lambert win American Idol.

Well, I hope this helps. As you know I had this thing a few weeks back and went through it bareback ...I took nothing and let it do its magic. I recommend it for those hard-core health crazies like me. It'll go through you faster than if you take symptom relief remedies because you'll be letting your INNATE run the show as it's designed to do. Try to see if you can do it. I'll still love you if you don't ...promise.

Gotta go finish the real PART II!


Dr Lou

Thursday, October 22, 2009

FLU-EE II: "Dr Lou, It's The Flu ...What Do I Do?"

Hello Fellow Concerned Human!

It seems Dr. Mehmet Oz, "The Wizard of Oprah" and outspoken shill -- I mean proponent -- of seasonal flu shots isn't going to dose his wife and kids with the H1N1 vaccine he's promoting because, "At home I'm MISTER Oz, not DOCTOR Oz and she said no." As one of my Practice members said, "Seems like something is rotten in Denmark." I'm sure smelling something, 'cause believe me, I'm DOCTOR Lou all the time, not because I'm an egomaniac (ok ...maybe a bit) but because this is my profession and passion and so it's no surprise that I know more about these things than most. In other words, methinks the good doctor is being coy.

It's common knowledge in the health world that when it comes to vaccinating their family, medical doctors talk the talk, but rarely walk the walk. The reason is simple: they know too much about the dangers and don't want their loved ones getting sick, or worse: turning into drooling, blank-stared cretins. I guess they've confused the Hippocratic oath with the Hypocritical oath.

There's lots of questions about this flu, it's 'pandemic' status, and the vaccination that's being rushed to the public as The Great Hope. As you know, my answer to flu shots is a resounding, NOT EVEN IF THEY PUT A #@%!!*! GUN TO MY HEAD. I simply know too much. See my PART I here: But you need to make an informed choice. Here's some tidbits that might help:

In at least three studies from Canada (you know, that savage country north of here that has --OMG-- "socialized" medicine) research has shown that those who already received seasonal flu vaccinations showed increased rates of H1N1 infection. In fact, the research found that people who had been vaccinated against last year's flu were about twice as likely as others to catch the pandemic H1N1 strain when it appeared this spring. Dr. Oz and his kids got that shot already and have done so for 10 years. In fact, he did this year's LIVE on TV. I'm sure that this had no role to play in his ...I mean HER decision.

Curiously, just south of the Canadian border in a country whose health care is run by insurance and pharmaceutical companies, government officials and the CDC said such a pattern of increased infections "has not been found." But I'm guessing Dr Oz knows about those studies from yonder northways ...hence the misses' declaration.

Let's move on: Of course, we've been told --bombarded--with info that this is an special, more insidious, uber -evil virus strain that specifically hunts down healthy, younger victims instead of the elderly, as if it doesn't want anybody that over-ripe (can't blame 'em). But that just doesn't make sense to me, and is counter-intuitive to how illnesses work I looked deeper ...deeper....

And guess what I found? A CDC study described the cases of 10 H1N1/Swine Flu patients at a Michigan hospital, 3 of which died. Of the 10 patients, 9 were obese (BMI > 30) and needed to be on ventilators, including seven who were extremely obese (BMI > 40), including the 3 who died. 9 out of the 10 had multiple organ failure, which can be seen in influenza, but 5 had blood clots in the lungs, which had not been previously known to occur in patients with severe influenza virus infections, except in the case of morbid obesity. 6 of the 10 had kidney failure, again common in obesity, but not in the flu.

The study was not designed to see if obesity posed a special risk factor for flu, and the researchers were "surprised" to see that 70% of the patients were extremely obese. "The high prevalence of obesity in this case series is striking," said CDC virus expert Dr. Tim Uyeki. "What this suggests is that there can be severe complications associated with this virus infection, especially in severely obese patients."

"SURPRISED?" It's common knowledge that obesity exacerbates ANY illness, and makes the person more susceptible to a virus because the role of a virus is to feed on dead and decaying matter which is in plentiful supply in a body holding onto such excess toxins and weight. But it gets worse: Most people don't realize just how infiltrating the fat is ...just like the marbling on a "prime" cut of beef, it becomes embedded in the very tissues ...and that includes all the organs in the body; kidneys, lungs, heart... all that fat does no work and --because it is rigid and dense-- causes ORGAN STRESS that drastically reduces its efficiency and output. And in this case, the lungs are particularly susceptible because of the greatly reduced lung capacity in the obese which appears to be the overwhelming complication causing these flu deaths. So the sad and AVOIDABLE fact is, like in any illness, those who have let themselves go and become overweight, weak, and health compromised are most likely to be culled by Mother Nature.

Please don't take my word on this. Google "swine flu and obesity risk" yourself ...there's only 719,000 articles (make sure to read them all ...pop quiz next time you come in).

Here's more: French researchers reported on October 17th in an article in the health magazine Eurosurveillance that "There was documented underlying disease in at least 49 percent of documented fatal cases worldwide to date," they added. "Two risk factors are noticeable: pregnancy and obesity." In another report, it was found that "Diabetes and obesity were the most frequently identified underlying conditions and were found in fatal cases over the age of 20 years."

So why are these risk factors so under-reported? You and I both know the answer to that one: MONEY As I wrote in 2008: "In 1994, (seasonal) vaccinations were a $3 billion a year industry. 2008 is expected to be a banner year, with sales topping $15 billion." It was ...and 2009 has already topped $20 billion. Create the panic and fear by jacking up the numbers, make it seems like everybody is at risk, say the vaccine is in short supply, and people will line up like lemmings.

Who's dying? According to the WHO, the fatality rate for H1N1 flu is about 0.4%, just a little higher than the 0.2% reported for your garden-variety seasonal flu. But let's get real here for a moment. Determining how many deaths this flu causes, or even who has caught it, is no simple matter and requires blood-work ...which is rarely done.

According to the CDC website, as of 10/03/09, 1544 deaths have occurred in the US due to H1N1. But only 240 were actually confirmed with lab tests which is the only way to confirm a case how would they know? Many people call it "the flu" anytime they experience a headache, fever, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, etc., but researchers have found that only 7 or 10% of such cases are actually caused by an influenza virus in any given year! Many people who are getting sick are simply assuming it's the H1N1 strain, but odds are ain't. It's even in the mainstream news now. Take a look yourself:

So are you going to inject an experimental protein grown on decayed animal tissues, preserved with a known neuro-toxin into your blood because MIGHT cure what you probably DON'T have? And we thought Ponzie schemes were creative!

Need more? Most reports coming from the Southern Hemisphere in late August (it's the end of the winter flu season there) suggested that the swine flu is highly infectious, but not particularly lethal. For example, Australian officials report that they finished the flu season with under 1,000 swine flu deaths庸ewer than the usual 1,500 to 3,000 from seasonal flu. Among those who died there, about 70 percent were already suffering from congenital conditions like cerebral palsy or underlying conditions such as cancer, asthma, obesity or AIDS, which make people more vulnerable. Again: pre-existing complications.

What's the risk of this flu shot? The simple answer is, if something happens to you's 100%. And have no illusion, the damage can be serious. How serious? VERY. The woman in the story is the friend of my Practice Member's sister joke:

Listen: We're living in some interesting times. Science has given us some amazing things 180 bushels of corn produced in a single acre (up from 20 in 1930) to streaming on-line porn. But I'm a little worried about what they don't know concerning the consequences of genetically modifying plants, cloning animals, combining genes in vaccinations, and attempting to create an atomic particle-generated "mini black hole" to see how the universe was created --which has some scientists VERY, VERY concerned. So much so, they seriously think people from the future are trying to stop it!

I'm not sure I answered many questions. Hopefully I brought up a few. Just a few days ago, a happened to look at the ingredients of a pack of Sara Lee hotdog buns. 42 ingredients. Most unpronounceable. I don't eat those, either ...NOT EVEN IF THEY PUT A #@%!!*! GUN TO MY HEAD.

You know what I'm saying.


Dr Lou

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

FLU-EE!! Dr Lou, The Flu, and You!

"I don't want to be a guinea pig and I don't think I should be forced to take something I don't want to take." -- Orne Banks-Hopkins, 55, a clerical worker at Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC.

I've been getting some questions about the Swine Flu/H1N1 vaccination debacle and it's possible mandatory status. Let me give you my thoughts, in 2 parts (yes, I read your feedback, already: KEEP IT SHORTER, DR LOU!) ...

First off, nothing has changed in my overall vaccination philosophy; a FLU SHOT, by any other name, is still a SHOT OF THE FLU. Because the fear of a world-wide pandemic has been fostered, this one is being rushed to production (never a good thing) and will contain Thimerosal, a Mercury-based preservative and known neuro-toxin that is in most vaccinations and has been linked to increased rates of childhood Autism. Bad enough.

But there's more to this story, and most of it is well under the radar. This H1N1 is one strange bird ...or pig ...or ...? For some reason not explainable even by many geneticists, H1N1 causes concern because it contains not only human genetic material, but bird and swine genes to boot. Just so you understand ...this bugger has a make-up that does not occur in nature -- it's part human, part pig, part bird.

And this concern isn't coming from some wacko Birther/Tea-Bagger-type splinter group. In fact, one of the world's leading virus experts, Professor Adrian Gibbs, an Australian researcher who -- during his 40-year career -- has authored more than 250 scientific publications and worked with Swiss drug maker Roche to develop the anti-viral flu drug, oseltamivir ..marketed as "Tamiflu" said: "One of the simplest explanations is that it’s a laboratory escape."

POP QUIZ: Okay ...nothing in nature has the Dr Moreauesque genetic makeup described above. But do you know what does? If you guessed Lady Gaga you were close ...but no, it's VACCINATIONS. As you may remember from previous e-mails, vaccinations are attenuated (weakened) strains of a particular virus antigen that is grown on dead and decaying animal tissues including BIRDS and PIGS, then injected into HUMANS.

Just three weeks after the virus was first identified in Mexico, Professor Gibbs stunned the world by declaring that the H1N1 virus could have accidentally evolved in eggs that scientists use to grow viruses and drug makers use while making vaccines. Gibbs was analyzing the genetic blueprint of the H1N1 virus, trying to find out who were the "ancestors" of the H1N1 virus. And his conclusion was that the H1N1 has too many -- and too diverse -- "ancestors" to develop naturally. He was not the only, nor the first person to reach this conclusion. Even before Professor Gibbs' stunning proclamation, it was already known that the H1N1 virus has the genetic codes of: 1) Human influenza 2) Bird Flu from North America 3) Swine flu from Europe and 4) Swine flu from Asia.

Mike Adams, editor of NaturalNews, author of many articles on microbiology, genetics and pandemics wrote this about this impossible genetic soup: "it means an infected bird from North America would have had to infect pigs in Europe, then be re-infected by those same pigs with an unlikely cross-species mutation that allowed the bird to carry it again, then that bird would have had to fly to Asia and infected pigs there, and those Asian pigs then mutated the virus once again (while preserving the European swine and bird flu elements) to become human transmittable, and then a human would have had to catch that virus from the Asian pigs — in Mexico! — and spread it to others."

As Vince from those late-night SHAM-WOW! commercials would say when he's not getting arrested for beating up hookers, "You gettin' this camera guy?"

There are a few other novelties to this little H1N1 bugger. Scientist are able to determine where virus strains originate using a technique called "oligonucleotide mapping" ...a kind of viral fingerprinting that can help determine it's ancestral origins. In reading some of the more technical blogs frequented by geneticists and others with high levels of knowledge (NERD ALERT! they're very hard to read!) I found out that: 1) every strain of influenza has an H protein,Hemagglutinin, which allows the virus to attach to human host cells, and 2) an N protein, Neuraminidase, which destroys mucous, hence the H1N1 insignia. BTW: it's still the same "Swine Flu" ...they just went to it's nomenclature name so people would start eating pork again, which had nothing to do with catching the flu.

It seems there is some added concern with the geneti-nerds that this particular "N" component has not been seen since 1977, which is odd enough, but of particular concern is that it's reappearance in 2008 has an added element: it's completely and utterly unchanged, which is impossible. Viruses live very short lives, most less than a few hours, so not seeing any natural mutative changes (nature NEVER stands still) in 31 years simply cannot happen. Unless it was (and I quote one geneti-nerd) "...frozen in a laboratory freezer since 1977, and was released, either by intent or accident. This possibility has been denied by some government scientists, but remains to this day the only scientifically plausible explanation."

The suggestion is clear: THIS VIRUS IS MAN-MADE. The question is ...what to do?

Stay tuned for PART II about "Dr Lou, the Flu, and What to Do!"


Dr Lou

Thursday, July 30, 2009

How many ways can you spell "BULLSHIT?"

Dear Friend,

According to a study published by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, organic food has no nutritional or health benefits over ordinary food.

Interestingly, they never even addressed the insecticide and herbicide chemical load of non-organic produce. Well, maybe everything I've said, lived by, taught, and read about the subject is BULLSHIT.

Mmmm. There is one nagging bit of info about this report. I went to the schools website, and poked around their financials. It seems the main contributor to the school's research is The Welcome Trust, The trust was established to administer the fortune of the American-born pharmaceutical magnate Sir Henry Wellcome.

Through a series of mergers, Wellcome Pharmaceutical became GlaxoWellcome, then GlaxoWellcome merged with SmithKline Beecham, to form current pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline.

I have all the faith in the world of your ability to do the math.

PS: Want a little GMO High Fructose Corn Syrup with that BULLSHIT??

Dr Lou

Friday, June 5, 2009

Who's decision is it, anyway?

One of my Practice Members decided to leave a job that was less-than-desirable, and found that --the moment she left-- the universe flooded her with new possibilities. Her INNATE INTELLIGENCE, freed from it's vibrations of DIS-EASE over the last few months during her care here, could now attract a new world.

It reminded me of an important part of my "How I got to Chiropractic" story. It has to do with the timing of the "accidental" neck injury I suffered that originally got me to go to a Chiropractor, and the mind-set I was in just prior to that infamous injury.

In the last e-mail "I Don't Believe in Getting Sick!" (read it here I discussed how the word "decide" comes from the Latin decidere, which means simply to "cut away." So a decision is nothing more than a cutting away of what does not work for us. The Universe will then match our vibrations with the right stuff.

For several months prior to my neck injury, I had many things on my mind that, in retrospect, were precursors to the "shock" of the accident that happened at break-neck speed. The first was a recurring dream where people would call me "DOC" ...which, being one of seven siblings, was also my play-name, each of us after one of the Seven Dwarfs. No, I wasn't Grumpy, but I wasn't Happy, either.

Another was that the concept of "my life's work" which I strongly identified with when I was younger, and which now became an almost obsessive thought as I approached age 30. I didn't have a clue what it was, but I knew my life had to have more to it than bossing around a bunch of cretins in a warehouse and delivery business.

I had even gone to a couple of career councilors who made me fill out pages of questionnaires, only to tell me what I already knew about myself ..."good communication skills" ... "spiritual, but not religious" ..."multi-tasker" ..."artistic" ... "science-minded" ... "opinionated" ....but what I wanted was: "YOU WILL BE GREAT AT_______________" ...but,dagnabbitt ...that didn't happen.

So I kept looking and wondering. An important part of the story (maybe the most important) is that I never gave up inside on this question. Sometimes, it actually hurt in my chest when I thought about it ...a sort of separation anxiety of me being removed from what was to become my real life. A life that already existed in higher space and time, but one that required a change of my being to get there. I "wished" for something to happen ...a sign, if you will. It was a kind of prayer.

I didn't have the fortitude to leave the career I had, even though it was killing me. "WISHING" ...which is a BELIEF in what is POSSIBLE and the result of ACTIVE-ity, and not PASSIVE-ity, is an important ingredient in CHANGE. If we do not actively meditate on something we want, the universe cannot fulfill our request ...because there will be no request.

If we don't cease what isn't working, we can't expect anything new. It's like a docking-port on a spaceship ...if the port is occupied, how can any new supplies arrive? Without a way to see it for myself, The Universe stepped in and ...whamo! ...hit me with its rhythm stick ...a nice, big, fat, juicy desk, wrecking my neck and making me go to a pesky CHIROPRACTOR.

The rest is history history ..that, in fact ...changed the entire Universe ...for I would not be here, and all of you would not be reading this.

Our wounds are the apertures with which we give our gifts to the world.

Thankfully, my Practice Member above didn't have to be put in the cross-hairs of Mother Nature's patented CHANGE-GUN like I did. I wasn't in the care of a holistic practitioner who was looking out for my INNATE the GREAT like she is now. Or ...(and this is probably the truthier) I obviously wasn't evolved enough to earn the "peaceful" route.

The fact is, each of you is far more evolved by the time you already meet me. And know what? It's so much more FUN being with YOU GUYS than the folks who populated my past. And THAT thought pust a HUGE smile on my face :)

Know anybody who DOESN'T want to be hit with falling desk, or a house out of the sky? Send them this link as a gift:

And, if you are stuck right now ...get on in NOW to get out of your dis-ease.

Got questions? Hit me, hit me ...hit ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your Grateful As All Heck That I Got Here Alive Agent For YOUR Change,

Dr Lou

Friday, April 10, 2009

I Don't Believe in Getting Sick!

"We are only as healthy as we are transparent to ourselves and the world." -- Louis Victor Fabale, DC

Every once in a while, I'll have someone ask me, "Dr Lou, what do you take when you get sick?" To which I always answer, "I don't take anything because I don't believe in getting sick."

To the unaided ear, that must sound pretty arrogant. But it is, in fact, true. But what I need to explain is that I didn't just come up with that answer to be a smart-ass, and I didn't come to "not believing" it overnight, either. This statement is the result of over 20 years of holistic adjustments that helped illuminate the power of Body/Mind science, art, and philosophy ...earned, not bestowed.

Like most people, when I was younger, I took my health for granted. Well into my 20's, I believed I was invincible. That is until a 400lb desk fell on my head and cracked my 6th cervical vertebra, making my right arm so numb, that sometimes I'd wake up wondering what that thing was that hit my face.

The condition is called a "Clay Shoveler's Fracture" a painful fracture that occurred when my neck went too far back. See it here: Made a heck of a sound ...that I never want to hear again.

For about two months, I put up with the kind of agony that no painkiller can touch. After two different orthopedic medical geniuses told me I "had to" have surgery, I (reluctantly) went (got dragged) to a Chiropractor (by the woman I was dating), and began my amazing healing journey. If I had listened to those "specialists" I ...well ... WE wouldn't be here now.

...just this moment, I had a really sobering thought of where I would be if that fork in the road had not been taken 20 years ago...

In this parallel universe, I would not have gone to a Chiropractor, having caved into the orthopedist, and succumbed to the neck surgery. Since most othropedists think Chiropractors are a joke, I doubt I would have been referred to one for re-hab after the cutting was done. So I wouldn't have had my interest piqued by this noble healing art.

Which means I would have stayed in the shipping business back east ...which was KILLING me. I was completely stressed out, running a delivery operation 12+ hours a day, six days a week, and had allocated no "re-creational" time for myself. It's doubtful I would have changed from that lifestyle.

Since the poor and uneducated guys who worked for me were mostly motivated by the fear of losing their job, I ran the operation from my impatience and anger. I became a screaming tyrant, getting a sick enjoyment out of threatening them that someone else was "waiting for their job."

It was a terribly negative environment, and it was ugly. I was ugly ...35lbs heavier than I am now, hiding behind pulled-back long hair and a full beard ...puffed up and pretending to be the rough, tough guy I wasn't. My diet was drinking 8-10 cups of rot-gut coffee a day, drinking scotch to go to sleep, and eating the slop off the buzzard-wagons that came around the industrial park.

Since illness is an expression of the dis-ease we generate from dis-honoring ourselves, I'm sure I would be a total wreck by now with multiple systems running badly, or even failing. I can't imagine I would have changed the way I dealt with the stresses of work. Heck, it was working so well that I earned some huge bonuses for running these guys into the ground.

I was a single dad, and my two girls were very young then, and I was often too exhausted to do much with them. With my neck all cut up and fused, my arm probably permanently dysfunctional ....who knows what I would have done. Probably gotten addicted to painkillers --Oxycontin-- which I would have gotten it from one of my warehouse workers, Rush Limbaugh-style. What an example I'd be for my girls in that state.

And, of course, I would not have the feared forehand weapon I have today. The surgery would have made it impossible for me to ever play tennis again, which has brought me so much JOY these last few years. (Okay ...maybe not feared, but respected.)

In all honesty, the guy on that parallel time-line probably didn't make it this far. In the last couple of months before I graduated to this life, I had two guys pull guns on me after firing them. The writing was splattered on the wall, so to speak.

But I made it this far, because I took the road less taken. And that has made all the difference.

Part of the miracle that is this life is that I began to understand what I always knew was true: that our INNATE INTELLIGENCE creates conditions for us to face ourselves, with the aim of furthering our individual evolution. And that includes illness and injury, which comes from the disease ...the "lack-of-ease" we unconsciously carry within our being when we are living the wrong life.

As such, there's never a "sickness" in the usual way it's thought of. Every SYM-tom is a SYM-bol, a metaphor that illuminates a lack of harmony in our being.

Think about it; isn't a "cold" nothing more than an adult "time out" ...where some conflict at work, school, or in a relationship is avoided, the Body/Mind creating the conditions where you can justify being "away" from the problem? After all, who wants to be around a stuffed-up, grumpy, sneezing, coughing mess? What better way to get away from those pesky co-workers than to curl up with a nice cup of tea watching "ELLEN" until the storm subsides? Examine the next time you "catch a cold" and see if it doesn't fit this idea.

With the right knowledge and some practice, all illness can be seen this way.

Do these things happen to me? Of course! I have the same disease generators in me that you have ...all the internal fears, weaknesses, frustrations, lunacy, misunderstandings, blind-spots, and disappointments ...just like everybody else.

But they rarely express themselves externally now because I've learned to recognize them, and relax into their rhythm and see the connections between how I feel, and how I FEEL. Most people just kill the messenger with DRUGS, and miss the message. It took consistent practice, but now each time symptoms occur in me, I experience that they don't "happen" to me at all, but are part of the beautiful process of self-reflection of something unseen in myself. They sort-of pass through me now as I "get" the message.

My wake-up call was my neck injury, which was all about the anger and frustration with my life that I was carrying inside me. Chiropractic adjustments helped me break that pattern, and supply specific, new knowledge where something new could emerge. It's available to you now, and for those of us on the journey of health, each adjustment progressively becomes a deep meditative re-membering moment, as opposed to the dis-membering that occurs in our hectic day-to-day lives.

Many philosophies agree that one of man's greatest illusions is that he can "do" in life, that he decides his fate. The word "decide" comes from the Latin decidere, which means simply to "cut away." So a decision is nothing more than a cutting away of what does not work for us. The universe will then match our vibrations with the right stuff.

BIG SECRET: That's all we ever have to do!

Know anybody at a cross-roads who needs a new beginning? I got some ideas:

Please drop me a reply and let my know your thoughts on this, or any health and wellness idea.

Your "I'm Glad I Took That Fork If Only To Meet You" Believer in Health,

Dr Lou

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Here is the 7-step "FRANKENBEAN" process of making SOY OIL, and how we get the other by-products:

1) Cooking
The first of these methods is high temperature cooking. The purpose is to try and get rid of the phytic acid in the soybean. Phytic acid de-mineralizes bone, which is one reason why animals don't eat soy in the wild. Temperatures above 118 degrees F denature the natural enzymes of the bean. Soybeans are first heated to temperatures up to 248 degrees F! Without enzymes, any plant becomes a devitalized food, very difficult to digest in the human tract. In addition to interfering with breakdown of the food, enzyme depletion also interferes with mineral absorption as well as vitamin activity.

2) Pressing
After cooking, the beans are extruded through a press for maximum oil extraction. The term cold-pressed is meaningless. People think that cold-pressed insures that the nutrients will remain in the oil because heat wasn't involved in the processing. What they don't tell you is that the beans were already cooked at these super-high temperatures before being put into the press. As long as no heat is added in the actual press, they can call it "cold-pressed."

3) Solvent Extraction
A more toxic method of oil extraction is the use of chemical solvents. Several are used in the soybean oil processing. The first solvent used on soybeans is an alkaline solution which will attempt to get rid of the trypsin inhibitors. Trypsin is an essential enzyme important to the breakdown of proteins. Even though the solution is thoroughly rinsed out of the beans, a carcinogenic by-product results from the interaction of the soybeans with the alkaline soak: lysinealine, which is found in abundance in soy-based baby formulae.

For oil to be extracted, an organic solvent - hexane - is the standard chemical employed. Like gasoline, hexane is a petroleum distillate. Temperatures of up to 149 degrees F are applied. Traces of this carcinogenic solvent are left behind in the finished products, both in the oil and in the protein isolate.

4) Degumming
The next step in the refining process is the removal of residual fiber, or gum, from the oil. Water, phosphoric acid, and heat (up to 140 degrees F) are used. This is the same step in which lecithin is separated from the oil. All the valuable trace minerals like calcium, copper, magnesium, and iron, as well as chlorophyll are all removed at this step. Soy Lecithin is a common ingredient in so-called health foods and supplements. The majority of it is derived from soybeans during this step. Note all the preceding steps - some health supplement!!

5) Sodium Hydroxide Bath
The next step is that the refined oil is mixed with sodium hydroxide - NaOH (lye) - which most of us know as Drano, at a temperature of 167 degrees F. That's right - the exact same corrosive lye you pour down your drain when it's clogged. The purpose of adding this corrosive is to remove any free fatty acids which may be 'contaminating' the 'pure' refined oil.

6) Bleaching
By this stage the oil still retains some pigments, giving it a reddish brown appearance. Since that's not the desired 'pure' look that customers have been trained to expect, clay is added, heated to 230 degrees F, then filtered out. This high heat again causes the formation of the toxic free radicals, called peroxides.

7) Deodorizing
Next the oil is steam-distilled at 518 degrees F for 30 minutes, to destroy any natural aromatics from the dead, refined oil. Note the incredibly high temperature!!! At "only" 302 degrees F trans fatty acids begin forming. These weird, man-made molecules are mutagenic to human DNA - they can alter human DNA. Trans fatty acids exist nowhere else in nature - man has created them. As the temperature is raised higher, trans fatty acid production increases geometrically.

After deodorizing, the oil is absolutely tasteless, and cannot be distinguished from any other processed seed oil. The oil is now COMPLETELY devoid of any vitamin, mineral, enzyme or nutrient content whatsoever. And even though it has undergone extreme high temperatures at several steps, as long as no external heat was added during the pressing step, the oil can still be sold as "cold-pressed"!

Sometimes mixtures of pressed oil and solvent-extracted oil are sold as "unrefined" oil. These types of labels are simply unregulated and vary according to the whim of the oil processors.

Reviewing this summary of processing steps, it is a wonder that processed soybean oil is allowed to be sold at all or to be made into margarine and cooking oil, let alone for claims to be made about its nutritional superiority.

PS: Oh, then there's the pesky business of chemical giant MONSANTO and their extra-special GMO Frankenstein Monster: Roundup Ready Soybeans, where they cleverly splice a laboratory built DNA into the bean plant's DNA sequence to resist the effects of their very own chemical Herbicide/Insecticide called "Roundup" ....simply delicious!

PPS: To make matters worse, in just under 10 years, these DNA sequences have found their way into nearly all the soybean seed stocks world-wide. As geneticists say, "Once released, never recalled."

If you never want to sleep again, go here for more:

So ....any soy in my diet? SOY-tainly NOT!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Food falls into two basic classifications:

I ) REPLENISHING FOODS: Fresh, organic, naturally grown, whole, unprocessed foods eaten raw or lightly cooked. Easily digestible and supremely nutritious, they help us keep our bodies in exceptional health. These are the only foods you should be eating.

II) DEPLETION FOODS: Fast food and packaged foods that are highly processed, devitalized foods high in chemical additives and low on digestive enzymes and nutritive value. These foods cannot be easily digested, which puts a strain on the body’s metabolic processes, giving rise to illness and low vitality.


a) NO chemicals: that means no additives, flavorings, colorings, or preservatives
b) NO artificial sweeteners: no PINK, no BLUE, no YELLOW ...Splenda is NOT splendid, and NOT made from sugar!
c) NO drugs: both medications and over-the-counter remedies

Margarine is hydrogenated soy, corn, or other seed oil (wrongly called ‘vegetable oil‘) and gained acceptance as a cheap butter substitute, then sold as “healthy” to a captive market in the 60's. Hydrogenated oils do not occur in nature and have Trans-Fatty Acids (TFA’s) that create free-radicals that damage human DNA. Hydrogenation makes liquid oils solid at room temperature, but your body can’t break them down. The fat you see on most Americans is stored, undigested hydrogenated oils.
Cook with Organic Coconut Oil (it has a high TFA point), flavor with Cold-Pressed Olive Oil, or good Butter.

3rd Rule: NO HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP …Cut out he Corn!
This artificial sweetener is particularly dangerous because it destroys your insulin-producing cells and causes adult onset diabetes and morbid obesity, even in very young children. Unfortunately, it is in 85% of all packaged and prepared foods and drinks. You will have to diligently read every label to eliminate this from your diet.
Read those labels! Stop drinking all soda! Your peanut butter and salsa does NOT need this crap!

4th Rule: NO SOY PRODUCTS OF ANY KIND …except as condiments
Contrary to popular belief and slick advertising, soy is not a good protein alternative to meat, fish and other legumes. Even in its natural state it has several anti-nutritive properties. Soy Isolates, Soy Lecithin, Soy Proteins are dead, de-vitalized by-products of the soy oil industry and are the most over-processed, and toxic products sold as food. To add insult to injury, the genetically modified (GM) versions have all but eliminated the natural bean.
You must read labels; this stuff is now in over 70% of all foods on grocery shelves.

5th Rule: NO FAST FOODS …it doesn’t get any worse than this stuff!
The fast food industry is simply an unethical money-making delivery system for cheap, artificially colored, artificially flavored, non-food that is full of high-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, and salt. So much so that America’s obesity problem and it’s related diseases could change almost overnight if we eliminated these little shops of horrors.
Never go here. Period. Rent the movie “Supersize Me!” and read “Fast Food Nation.”

White Flour, and White Rice have had the husk or ‘germ’ removed because it contains all the living, enzyme-rich components and oils that will go bad. They are now essentially STARCH (which you should read as SUGAR), which you need to cut down. You will know these by the label, ‘Enriched’ which means stripped of their true nutrients, then painted on with synthetic ones to meet FDA requirements.
Eat: whole grain breads, brown rice, and raw sugar (Turbinado/Sucanat), honey, pure maple syrup, molasses, or Stevia.

7th Rule: EAT BREAKFAST …you don’t run your CAR on NOTHING, do you?
When you skip breakfast, you immediately go into dietary debt, and that means your body mobilizes enzymes to break down your own muscle for protein. Since your body thinks you’re starving, it craves the nearest edible thing.
Need protein in the morning that's NOT a greasy breakfast meat? Dream Protein ..the ONLY whey-based protein powder made from New Zealand grass-fed cows. (
Natural cereals, Organic eggs, toasted whole grain breads, and fresh fruits are all good morning fare.

8th Rule: EAT MORE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES common sense 101
7 to 10 servings per day. Stay with Organic, seasonal, small farm-grown produce if at all possible.
Support your local Farmer’s Markets. (

9th Rule: HYDRATE …NO SODA, DIET or so-called ENERGY DRINKS!!!
Drink 1-2 liters of water per day. Avoid municipal tap water, it’s full of Chlorine and Fluorine, two toxic chemicals you don’t need. Many bottled waters, especially ‘house’ brands and those owned by soft-drink companies, are just filtered tap water, so don’t drink them unless you have to. Reverse osmosis removes everything from the water, including the minerals your body needs, so stay away from that, too.
Drink bottled natural spring waters, they are pure and have good mineral content; I like Fiji brand. If you can, do an under-the-sink NSF-certified (not just ‘tested’) or whole house, high-carbon filter.

10th Rule: COOK MORE …YUMMY for the TUMMY!!
I recommend cooking more. In addition to controlling what ingredients you use, you also have the opportunity to add the vibration of love and consideration to those who will partake of your efforts. And that, my friends, makes food not merely something that fills your belly, but something that creates, sustains, and transmits LIFE.

DINING OUT ...If you do eat out, here are a few guidelines:
Eat at a reputable place and stay away from chain establishments; they tend to use more pre-packaged sauces and dressings high in HFCS and hydrogenated oils. If you order a sandwich or salad that comes with a dressing, make sure to ask for it on the side. That way you will know they didn’t put it on the food, and you can throw it out. Ask for Olive Oil and Vinegar. Don’t eat the bread before a meal. Don’t drink that 16oz iced tea before your meal! Drinking fluids before and during your meal will dilute your stomach acids and give you indigestion. Ask for brown rice instead of white. RELAX and ENJOY!

Based on my most recent research, here are my recommendations for what to eat. Many thanks to Tim O’Shea, DC and his wonderful website

1-2 Liters Good Water
Organic, Local, Raw Fruits
Organic, Local, Raw Vegetables (or lightly steamed)
Unprocessed Organic Fruit and Vegetable Juices (fresh, if possible)
Organic Brown Rice
Organic Whole Grains/ Whole Grain Cereals
Organic Whole-Grain Breads (not ‘whole wheat’)
Organic, Free-Range Eggs
Red Meats, Cooked Rare (grass-fed, Organic, free-range, no hormones or antibiotics)
Chicken, Turkey (free-range, Organic, no hormones or antibiotics)
Grilled/Roasted,/Steamed/Raw Fish (wild-caught, non-farm raised)
Raw, Organic Un-Pasteurized Dairy, including cultured dairy such as Butter, Kefir, Cheese, and Yogurt
Organic Nuts and Seeds (raw are better, but roasted are good, too)
Organic Honey, Pure Maple Syrup, Raw, Unprocessed Sugar such as Turbinado, Agave

Recommendations on fats and oils: Remember: MARGARINE IS NOT FOOD!
Cook with Organic, Refined or Unrefined Coconut Oil. Then flavor your food with Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Raw, Organic, or Imported Butter (try to stay away from commercial domestic butter) just before plating your food. Keep your EVOO in a non-see through container away from heat, air, and sunlight. It should always smell like fresh olives ..if not, it’s rancid and throw it out. Don’t use any other vegetable oils for anything. If you need to put mayonnaise in your tuna, buy one with non-hydrogenated organic Safflower oil (no soy or Canola), use ½ the amount you are used to, and add a tbsp of EVOO ...delicious!

Dr. Lou Fabale, DC
Lifetime Wellness Chiropractic 333 S. Beverly Dr., #216, Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(310) 282-7100

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Follow-Up ...He Wrote Back!

Dear Friend,

I had quite the response (the best ever) from so many of you on my last piece about running into my practice member. I'm so moved that it so moved so many of you!

Of all the responses I got, one trumped them all. Not because of any particular word or sentiment ...for so many were so good ...but because I got a response from ...THE GUY.

When I sent it, I wasn't at all sure he would read it. It's possible he had already stopped getting my e-mails: in one of those instant flashes that happen in your mind when imagining imaginary scenarios, I saw him so upset at me that he looked up an old e-mail, just to hit REMOVE ME so as to never get one from me again! Or, I could have just lost him to an old e-mail address in the system. In any event, I didn't expect a response from him.

Within a few minutes of walking through my office door, I put that piece to GoogleDocs, stream-of-consciousness, hunt-n-peck style. I had to think for only a millisecond if I wanted to send it ...considering the 'patient-doctor' thing (no, not "In Treatment") ...but I knew I could write it with the correct level on anonymity. I trusted that if I just told it true, there would be nothing to worry about.

We really MUST learn to trust PRESENT-TIME CONSCIOUSNESS more!

Well, he did get back to me, and I asked if I could do a follow-up ...and he wrote, "I like what you are doing, and I always enjoy your emails, and I am honored if you use any part or any word from my email."


But first, let me introduce a powerful idea I learned from my friend Niurka ( According to her work with mind technologies like NLP, it is stated that we only approximate true communication with each other based on our language limitations and how we store information in our sub-conscious mind.

Let me explain: Our PERCEPTION of what we see, hear, and feel is sub-consciously shaped by our PROJECTION of our preconceived beliefs about the world around us. When a dog crosses in front of you, your brain processes the millions of bits of incoming information, and your brain says, "dog" not "tyrannosaur" (unless you believe in Creationism). Part of this has to do with our learning what it is and what it's not, and over time, that becomes grounded in an immovable "certainty" that can rarely be undone. So that "funny crayon" that leaves permanent marks on the wall is learned to be a "marker" (usually the hard way).

Try to imagine what it's like for a 6-month old to see the something without "knowing" what it is label, no concept, no word to define it. We all experienced it when we were that age ...we just don't "remember" it because I believe we only remember what our "knowledge brain" -the part based on words- remembers. That explains why most of our memories begin at around age 3 ...when most begin to build a vocabulary by being hammered by well-intentioned (but often lunatic) adults who want smart little adults more than they want the kid to experience life on his own innate terms. So they end up making us regurgitate that the sofa is GREEN ..."come on...say GREEN, GREEN...yay!!! that's a good boy!" (treat in mouth here).

Since no two people live the same lives or have the same experiences, they project different interpretation and meaning into the world around them. It's accurate to say that we literally live among each other in different worlds (just ask me and Ann Coulter the meaning of the word "liberal" and you'll see what I mean). But it's possible to learn how to literally use another's language as a doorway to step into their "map of the world" and communicate on a much deeper level.(we do now both agree on the word, "fired" :)

As I wrote in the last piece, I thought --more accurately, I "projected"-- that he didn't come back because he was upset with our last conversation. That wasn't the case at all; Here's what he wrote back:

"Thanks for the nice words, I never stopped going there because of our difference in opinions, its more of procrastinating and feeling ok and not feeling the need to be there. I loved the conversation and wanted to have more of it."

WHAT? MORE OF IT? You mean I missed it COMPLETELY? All that angst?? I guess I was projecting my own Dr LoUniverse, and not considering his map of the world at all! He didn't come back because I made him FEEL BETTER! Who knew? (not me) ...he goes on to say...

"I like Obama more than you think and the Middle east is bracing for good relation with the US because of his attitude and seriousness about bringing America back it its glory and bringing back the respect that we lost in the last 8 years, and all that is really good for Christians living in Egypt because the tension and hate that the middle east now have for America was directed at all Christians living there."

Like Obama more than than I think? That sure put a smile on my face (you, too?). When we had last talked, this PrObamativity was not his view at all. He fully believed the stoic Republican concern (or at least an oft-quoted FOX NEWS theme), that Obama's infamous "lack of executive experience" and "willingness to give audience to our enemies" was particularly dangerous in regards eminent terrorists threats.

What didn't put a smile on my face was the realization of how little I had considered those non-Muslims or pro-Americans in the rest of the world and how much danger THEY were in because of the Bush Doctrine (look it up, Sarah He continues...

"I still think that the republican way is the best way to go in dealing with the fanatics, but maybe we are really blessed here in US that a guy like Obama will (be) the savior and the miracle maker that bring(s) peace and stability to that part of the world, all I can do now like any American is to pray for him and wish him all success in the world. It's a new era indeed an era where a fanatic republican like me records every word that comes out of Obama's mouth because he can really inspire you and give you hope." (my edits)

I'm not sure I'm all that comfortable bestowing the monikers "savior" or "miracle-maker" on my Mr. President, but that kind of HOPEFULNESS and SUPPORT from across the pond, you just can't buy on K-Street (anymore).

Here's a man literally from an entirely different part of the world, a world that has shaped his sub-conscious completely different from mine, yet we find simpatico based on a collective HOPE and INSPIRATION brought to fruition in the vision of this one leader.

How does that work? I don't really know, and don't need to ...but I know from DEEP IN MY BEING that it's about vibrations of a higher order and that it's RIGHT. These eight years, I almost forgot that THAT is what a leader is supposed to do.

Hey ...he brought US TWO fanatics together. I guess he's a a REAL UNITER.

Before I forget, go here to see the most amazing pic:

Look all the way to the right side and zoom in all the way ...follow the line of the crowd all the way back can almost get a sense of just how HUGE this crowd is. Nearly 2 million!

Now zoom in on Cheney for a second. Please tell me ...who dresses like that ...the cane, the wheelchair ...that HAT! Dr Evil, Darth Vader, M-M-M-Mr. Potter? If this was a movie, the director would be laughed out of town for such a cartoon look. Then look at Obama.

Kinda says it all. You know, people REALLY do look like what they are.

I just looked in the mirror ...I sort of need a shave.

Know anybody? Odds are, they need me:

Your I-Still-Can't-Believe-I-Was-So-Sure-Why-He-Didn't-Come-Back Fanatic for Health,

Dr Lou

A True Story From Just Now

Dear Friend,

I just had a great moment I'd love to share with you.

While walking back from my lunch of spicy tuna roll w/brown rice and herb salad, I saw crossing the street towards me, a Practice Member I hadn't seen in a few months.

Different than when I see a PM who I haven't seen for awhile, I winced a bit inside, actually hoping he would not see me.

He's a man in his mid-fifties, of middle-eastern descent, a good man referred to me back in March 2008. He wasn't all that sure about Chiropractic helping him with his low back, but he came in 5 or 6 times until he felt better.

Of course I tried to get him to continue to really correct his back, but only when it got bad again in late September did I see him for further care.

As you may recall, by this time, I was on FULL OBAMA, and as you also may recall, not at all shy about my support for him.

Well, my heart is always in the right place, but my mouth sometimes exuberantly isn't, and, a few adjustment in, something I said rubbed him the wrong way about what was going on.

Without going into details, he got up from the table and sort of scolded me ...telling me I didn't understand the entire terrorist picture, and that Obama was a dangerous choice because he was also ignorant of the facts of that region, and that his election would put our country in great harm.

I told him that I believed coming from FEAR would solve nothing, and that Obama was the EXACT person uniquely positioned to get the job done. We went back and forth, and suffice it to say, it didn't end well. No fisticuffs, but certainly far from a friendly vibe, which I wasn't happy with ...but I was not willing to compromise what I knew was RIGHT.

I was okay with him leaving (I knew he wouldn't be back), because I long ago made my peace with choosing my ideals over my bank account. That said, I never want to lose the opportunity to heal someone in need, and that bothered me ...because ...well ...he's a good guy and was getting better under my care.

So today, when I saw him walking towards me, I didn't know what to expect. Our eyes met, and both our hand extended simultaneously for a handshake. I smiled, and he smiled back.

I asked how he was, and he said, " must be very happy." "I am ...for all of us," I replied, still not knowing what to expect.

"Well should be," he replied, "because, he's doing an amazing job. I didn't end up voting for him, but I've listened, and watched how he's handling himself in all this, and I'm very impressed with him. He's really quite intelligent and composed ...and seems to be doing everything right. I think, actually ..that he may be the best person in the world for the job. You were right, and he has my full support."

He walked with me towards my office as we chatted a little more ...out of his way, because when we parted, he back-tracked to the corner.

I turned to go in the entrance and my body just deeply relaxed, my eyes welling up a bit. I must admit, sometimes even I wonder if I'm just a crackpot. I'm often IN this Dr LoUniverse, but curiously, not always OF it. I can't explain it more than that.

But...this felt really, really GOOD!!! I guess because I played full out from my heart, and stood up for what I believed was right, something could change in this other beings perception.

Now, that's HEALING!!! ...and it does NOT get any better than THAT!

May your day be filled with your singular passion.

Dr Lou