Food falls into two basic classifications:
I ) REPLENISHING FOODS: Fresh, organic, naturally grown, whole, unprocessed foods eaten raw or lightly cooked. Easily digestible and supremely nutritious, they help us keep our bodies in exceptional health. These are the only foods you should be eating.
II) DEPLETION FOODS: Fast food and packaged foods that are highly processed, devitalized foods high in chemical additives and low on digestive enzymes and nutritive value. These foods cannot be easily digested, which puts a strain on the body’s metabolic processes, giving rise to illness and low vitality.
a) NO chemicals: that means no additives, flavorings, colorings, or preservatives
b) NO artificial sweeteners: no PINK, no BLUE, no YELLOW ...Splenda is NOT splendid, and NOT made from sugar!
c) NO drugs: both medications and over-the-counter remedies
Margarine is hydrogenated soy, corn, or other seed oil (wrongly called ‘vegetable oil‘) and gained acceptance as a cheap butter substitute, then sold as “healthy” to a captive market in the 60's. Hydrogenated oils do not occur in nature and have Trans-Fatty Acids (TFA’s) that create free-radicals that damage human DNA. Hydrogenation makes liquid oils solid at room temperature, but your body can’t break them down. The fat you see on most Americans is stored, undigested hydrogenated oils.
Cook with Organic Coconut Oil (it has a high TFA point), flavor with Cold-Pressed Olive Oil, or good Butter.
3rd Rule: NO HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP …Cut out he Corn!
This artificial sweetener is particularly dangerous because it destroys your insulin-producing cells and causes adult onset diabetes and morbid obesity, even in very young children. Unfortunately, it is in 85% of all packaged and prepared foods and drinks. You will have to diligently read every label to eliminate this from your diet.
Read those labels! Stop drinking all soda! Your peanut butter and salsa does NOT need this crap!
4th Rule: NO SOY PRODUCTS OF ANY KIND …except as condiments
Contrary to popular belief and slick advertising, soy is not a good protein alternative to meat, fish and other legumes. Even in its natural state it has several anti-nutritive properties. Soy Isolates, Soy Lecithin, Soy Proteins are dead, de-vitalized by-products of the soy oil industry and are the most over-processed, and toxic products sold as food. To add insult to injury, the genetically modified (GM) versions have all but eliminated the natural bean.
You must read labels; this stuff is now in over 70% of all foods on grocery shelves.
5th Rule: NO FAST FOODS …it doesn’t get any worse than this stuff!
The fast food industry is simply an unethical money-making delivery system for cheap, artificially colored, artificially flavored, non-food that is full of high-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, and salt. So much so that America’s obesity problem and it’s related diseases could change almost overnight if we eliminated these little shops of horrors.
Never go here. Period. Rent the movie “Supersize Me!” and read “Fast Food Nation.”
White Flour, and White Rice have had the husk or ‘germ’ removed because it contains all the living, enzyme-rich components and oils that will go bad. They are now essentially STARCH (which you should read as SUGAR), which you need to cut down. You will know these by the label, ‘Enriched’ which means stripped of their true nutrients, then painted on with synthetic ones to meet FDA requirements.
Eat: whole grain breads, brown rice, and raw sugar (Turbinado/Sucanat), honey, pure maple syrup, molasses, or Stevia.
7th Rule: EAT BREAKFAST …you don’t run your CAR on NOTHING, do you?
When you skip breakfast, you immediately go into dietary debt, and that means your body mobilizes enzymes to break down your own muscle for protein. Since your body thinks you’re starving, it craves the nearest edible thing.
Need protein in the morning that's NOT a greasy breakfast meat? Dream Protein ..the ONLY whey-based protein powder made from New Zealand grass-fed cows. (http://www.lifetimewellnesschiro.com/wellness/products.html)
Natural cereals, Organic eggs, toasted whole grain breads, and fresh fruits are all good morning fare.
8th Rule: EAT MORE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ...food common sense 101
7 to 10 servings per day. Stay with Organic, seasonal, small farm-grown produce if at all possible.
Support your local Farmer’s Markets. (http://www.farmernet.com/events/cfms)
9th Rule: HYDRATE …NO SODA, DIET or so-called ENERGY DRINKS!!!
Drink 1-2 liters of water per day. Avoid municipal tap water, it’s full of Chlorine and Fluorine, two toxic chemicals you don’t need. Many bottled waters, especially ‘house’ brands and those owned by soft-drink companies, are just filtered tap water, so don’t drink them unless you have to. Reverse osmosis removes everything from the water, including the minerals your body needs, so stay away from that, too.
Drink bottled natural spring waters, they are pure and have good mineral content; I like Fiji brand. If you can, do an under-the-sink NSF-certified (not just ‘tested’) or whole house, high-carbon filter.
10th Rule: COOK MORE …YUMMY for the TUMMY!!
I recommend cooking more. In addition to controlling what ingredients you use, you also have the opportunity to add the vibration of love and consideration to those who will partake of your efforts. And that, my friends, makes food not merely something that fills your belly, but something that creates, sustains, and transmits LIFE.
DINING OUT ...If you do eat out, here are a few guidelines:
Eat at a reputable place and stay away from chain establishments; they tend to use more pre-packaged sauces and dressings high in HFCS and hydrogenated oils. If you order a sandwich or salad that comes with a dressing, make sure to ask for it on the side. That way you will know they didn’t put it on the food, and you can throw it out. Ask for Olive Oil and Vinegar. Don’t eat the bread before a meal. Don’t drink that 16oz iced tea before your meal! Drinking fluids before and during your meal will dilute your stomach acids and give you indigestion. Ask for brown rice instead of white. RELAX and ENJOY!
Based on my most recent research, here are my recommendations for what to eat. Many thanks to Tim O’Shea, DC and his wonderful website www.thedoctorwithin.com
1-2 Liters Good Water
Organic, Local, Raw Fruits
Organic, Local, Raw Vegetables (or lightly steamed)
Unprocessed Organic Fruit and Vegetable Juices (fresh, if possible)
Organic Brown Rice
Organic Whole Grains/ Whole Grain Cereals
Organic Whole-Grain Breads (not ‘whole wheat’)
Organic, Free-Range Eggs
Red Meats, Cooked Rare (grass-fed, Organic, free-range, no hormones or antibiotics)
Chicken, Turkey (free-range, Organic, no hormones or antibiotics)
Grilled/Roasted,/Steamed/Raw Fish (wild-caught, non-farm raised)
Raw, Organic Un-Pasteurized Dairy, including cultured dairy such as Butter, Kefir, Cheese, and Yogurt
Organic Nuts and Seeds (raw are better, but roasted are good, too)
Organic Honey, Pure Maple Syrup, Raw, Unprocessed Sugar such as Turbinado, Agave
Recommendations on fats and oils: Remember: MARGARINE IS NOT FOOD!
Cook with Organic, Refined or Unrefined Coconut Oil. Then flavor your food with Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Raw, Organic, or Imported Butter (try to stay away from commercial domestic butter) just before plating your food. Keep your EVOO in a non-see through container away from heat, air, and sunlight. It should always smell like fresh olives ..if not, it’s rancid and throw it out. Don’t use any other vegetable oils for anything. If you need to put mayonnaise in your tuna, buy one with non-hydrogenated organic Safflower oil (no soy or Canola), use ½ the amount you are used to, and add a tbsp of EVOO ...delicious!
Dr. Lou Fabale, DC
Lifetime Wellness Chiropractic 333 S. Beverly Dr., #216, Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(310) 282-7100 www.drlou.org DrFabale@gmail.com