Wednesday, October 28, 2009

FLUE-EE PART 1.5 ...Milk it!

Dear Friend,

So you took tons of Vitamin C, echinacea, cleaned your sinuses with your neti pot, got adjusted, cut out all sugar and still got the flu. You know the old saying: epidemics are made, they don't just happen. But don't panic's my expert advise:


Oh, yeah ...I'm talking the Full Monty. It's a FLU, just like back in the day, no more, no less. So do it old-school: Get all cozy on the couch, wrapped up in your favorite blankie or one of those really cool Snuggies. Have at least 3 boxes of Puffs Plus within reach. Pull on those thick wool socks or those light-weight fleecey ones. Keep a simmering kettle on the stove with a non-stop flow of tea coming your way. Watch tons of stupid TV Oprah giving away free cars to those who can't afford the sales tax. (Stay away from FOXnews ...even your President says you don't need that kind of brain damaging dribble in your weakened state.) And ...whenever possible ...get OTHERS to do things for YOU!

GET INTO IT I'm not kidding! Let EVERYONE KNOW so that your friends, family, and co-workers will send their condolences and concerned Facebook updates ...wondering and even worrying about how you are! Consider posting hour-by-hour Twitter updates. They'll FEEL SORRY FOR YOU while you get to be with your favorite person (YOU!) without any distractions or pesky deadlines. Because here's the best part: When else can you take up to a WHOLE WEEK OFF FROM WORK AWAY FROM ALL THOSE IRRITATING CO-WORKERS with no penalty? It's like you won the lottery!!! Oh, happy days!!! Go on ...pour yourself another steaming cup of Throat Coat!

Don't forget that if someone calls you, bring your best game face; sniffle as much as possible, cough really, really hard a few times to stoke their concern (you'll evoke that great phrase, "Oh my God sound AWFUL!"), and if you can --sneeze huge so they'll feel compelled to leave you the hell alone ...just what you want, and need. (If you can't muster a good sneeze right then ...just grab the cat and rub it under your nose ...100% guaranteed to get you a "God Bless You!" or a "Gesundheit!" followed quickly by a resounding "Good Bye!" ...leaving you like Marlene Dietrich ...ALONE.

I know you have a smile on your face! You're thinking, "Damn ...that's sounding good right now with all that's going on in the office ...but I'm not even sick." Well ...not YET, BOYYYEEE!

You see, a cold, flu, or any other type of sinus infection is an adult "time-out" ...where your bodymind has had enough of the kids, your significant other, or that idiot transfer from Cincinnati that's making you look bad. Of course we can't "time out" like we could when we were kids we let nature do her thing by creating a socially acceptable way to pull it off.

LET ME MAKE THIS PERFECTLY CLEAR: The absolute worst thing you can do is FEEL BAD about being sick! Only a crazy person would do that. I mean ...why in hell would you want to miss an opportunity to be GRUMPY, SLOPPY, INDULGENT, and LAZY all at the same time? And it comes with SYMPATHY!! It's a no-brainer. Plus, negativity will make the illness dig into those dark corners where -- believe me -- you don't want to go.

And here's yet another bonus: If you do it right and follow your instincts, you'll probably lose about 10lbs of toxic waste ...remnants from all the late-summer partying. Why else do you think these flu things come in the fall? And make no mistake ...the detoxing from the flu is a HUGE part of its healing design. So embrace it's grace.

Here's a thought to ponder: Using the logic above, an epidemic is a large-scale wish for many to take a time-out. It's like we all need a break and a re-set to deeply detox from the Bush years, from the great push of the election, the fears of economic collapse, fears of terrorism, global warming, the current political un-civil war, and questions of why on God's good earth didn't Adam Lambert win American Idol.

Well, I hope this helps. As you know I had this thing a few weeks back and went through it bareback ...I took nothing and let it do its magic. I recommend it for those hard-core health crazies like me. It'll go through you faster than if you take symptom relief remedies because you'll be letting your INNATE run the show as it's designed to do. Try to see if you can do it. I'll still love you if you don't ...promise.

Gotta go finish the real PART II!


Dr Lou

Thursday, October 22, 2009

FLU-EE II: "Dr Lou, It's The Flu ...What Do I Do?"

Hello Fellow Concerned Human!

It seems Dr. Mehmet Oz, "The Wizard of Oprah" and outspoken shill -- I mean proponent -- of seasonal flu shots isn't going to dose his wife and kids with the H1N1 vaccine he's promoting because, "At home I'm MISTER Oz, not DOCTOR Oz and she said no." As one of my Practice members said, "Seems like something is rotten in Denmark." I'm sure smelling something, 'cause believe me, I'm DOCTOR Lou all the time, not because I'm an egomaniac (ok ...maybe a bit) but because this is my profession and passion and so it's no surprise that I know more about these things than most. In other words, methinks the good doctor is being coy.

It's common knowledge in the health world that when it comes to vaccinating their family, medical doctors talk the talk, but rarely walk the walk. The reason is simple: they know too much about the dangers and don't want their loved ones getting sick, or worse: turning into drooling, blank-stared cretins. I guess they've confused the Hippocratic oath with the Hypocritical oath.

There's lots of questions about this flu, it's 'pandemic' status, and the vaccination that's being rushed to the public as The Great Hope. As you know, my answer to flu shots is a resounding, NOT EVEN IF THEY PUT A #@%!!*! GUN TO MY HEAD. I simply know too much. See my PART I here: But you need to make an informed choice. Here's some tidbits that might help:

In at least three studies from Canada (you know, that savage country north of here that has --OMG-- "socialized" medicine) research has shown that those who already received seasonal flu vaccinations showed increased rates of H1N1 infection. In fact, the research found that people who had been vaccinated against last year's flu were about twice as likely as others to catch the pandemic H1N1 strain when it appeared this spring. Dr. Oz and his kids got that shot already and have done so for 10 years. In fact, he did this year's LIVE on TV. I'm sure that this had no role to play in his ...I mean HER decision.

Curiously, just south of the Canadian border in a country whose health care is run by insurance and pharmaceutical companies, government officials and the CDC said such a pattern of increased infections "has not been found." But I'm guessing Dr Oz knows about those studies from yonder northways ...hence the misses' declaration.

Let's move on: Of course, we've been told --bombarded--with info that this is an special, more insidious, uber -evil virus strain that specifically hunts down healthy, younger victims instead of the elderly, as if it doesn't want anybody that over-ripe (can't blame 'em). But that just doesn't make sense to me, and is counter-intuitive to how illnesses work I looked deeper ...deeper....

And guess what I found? A CDC study described the cases of 10 H1N1/Swine Flu patients at a Michigan hospital, 3 of which died. Of the 10 patients, 9 were obese (BMI > 30) and needed to be on ventilators, including seven who were extremely obese (BMI > 40), including the 3 who died. 9 out of the 10 had multiple organ failure, which can be seen in influenza, but 5 had blood clots in the lungs, which had not been previously known to occur in patients with severe influenza virus infections, except in the case of morbid obesity. 6 of the 10 had kidney failure, again common in obesity, but not in the flu.

The study was not designed to see if obesity posed a special risk factor for flu, and the researchers were "surprised" to see that 70% of the patients were extremely obese. "The high prevalence of obesity in this case series is striking," said CDC virus expert Dr. Tim Uyeki. "What this suggests is that there can be severe complications associated with this virus infection, especially in severely obese patients."

"SURPRISED?" It's common knowledge that obesity exacerbates ANY illness, and makes the person more susceptible to a virus because the role of a virus is to feed on dead and decaying matter which is in plentiful supply in a body holding onto such excess toxins and weight. But it gets worse: Most people don't realize just how infiltrating the fat is ...just like the marbling on a "prime" cut of beef, it becomes embedded in the very tissues ...and that includes all the organs in the body; kidneys, lungs, heart... all that fat does no work and --because it is rigid and dense-- causes ORGAN STRESS that drastically reduces its efficiency and output. And in this case, the lungs are particularly susceptible because of the greatly reduced lung capacity in the obese which appears to be the overwhelming complication causing these flu deaths. So the sad and AVOIDABLE fact is, like in any illness, those who have let themselves go and become overweight, weak, and health compromised are most likely to be culled by Mother Nature.

Please don't take my word on this. Google "swine flu and obesity risk" yourself ...there's only 719,000 articles (make sure to read them all ...pop quiz next time you come in).

Here's more: French researchers reported on October 17th in an article in the health magazine Eurosurveillance that "There was documented underlying disease in at least 49 percent of documented fatal cases worldwide to date," they added. "Two risk factors are noticeable: pregnancy and obesity." In another report, it was found that "Diabetes and obesity were the most frequently identified underlying conditions and were found in fatal cases over the age of 20 years."

So why are these risk factors so under-reported? You and I both know the answer to that one: MONEY As I wrote in 2008: "In 1994, (seasonal) vaccinations were a $3 billion a year industry. 2008 is expected to be a banner year, with sales topping $15 billion." It was ...and 2009 has already topped $20 billion. Create the panic and fear by jacking up the numbers, make it seems like everybody is at risk, say the vaccine is in short supply, and people will line up like lemmings.

Who's dying? According to the WHO, the fatality rate for H1N1 flu is about 0.4%, just a little higher than the 0.2% reported for your garden-variety seasonal flu. But let's get real here for a moment. Determining how many deaths this flu causes, or even who has caught it, is no simple matter and requires blood-work ...which is rarely done.

According to the CDC website, as of 10/03/09, 1544 deaths have occurred in the US due to H1N1. But only 240 were actually confirmed with lab tests which is the only way to confirm a case how would they know? Many people call it "the flu" anytime they experience a headache, fever, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, etc., but researchers have found that only 7 or 10% of such cases are actually caused by an influenza virus in any given year! Many people who are getting sick are simply assuming it's the H1N1 strain, but odds are ain't. It's even in the mainstream news now. Take a look yourself:

So are you going to inject an experimental protein grown on decayed animal tissues, preserved with a known neuro-toxin into your blood because MIGHT cure what you probably DON'T have? And we thought Ponzie schemes were creative!

Need more? Most reports coming from the Southern Hemisphere in late August (it's the end of the winter flu season there) suggested that the swine flu is highly infectious, but not particularly lethal. For example, Australian officials report that they finished the flu season with under 1,000 swine flu deaths庸ewer than the usual 1,500 to 3,000 from seasonal flu. Among those who died there, about 70 percent were already suffering from congenital conditions like cerebral palsy or underlying conditions such as cancer, asthma, obesity or AIDS, which make people more vulnerable. Again: pre-existing complications.

What's the risk of this flu shot? The simple answer is, if something happens to you's 100%. And have no illusion, the damage can be serious. How serious? VERY. The woman in the story is the friend of my Practice Member's sister joke:

Listen: We're living in some interesting times. Science has given us some amazing things 180 bushels of corn produced in a single acre (up from 20 in 1930) to streaming on-line porn. But I'm a little worried about what they don't know concerning the consequences of genetically modifying plants, cloning animals, combining genes in vaccinations, and attempting to create an atomic particle-generated "mini black hole" to see how the universe was created --which has some scientists VERY, VERY concerned. So much so, they seriously think people from the future are trying to stop it!

I'm not sure I answered many questions. Hopefully I brought up a few. Just a few days ago, a happened to look at the ingredients of a pack of Sara Lee hotdog buns. 42 ingredients. Most unpronounceable. I don't eat those, either ...NOT EVEN IF THEY PUT A #@%!!*! GUN TO MY HEAD.

You know what I'm saying.


Dr Lou

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

FLU-EE!! Dr Lou, The Flu, and You!

"I don't want to be a guinea pig and I don't think I should be forced to take something I don't want to take." -- Orne Banks-Hopkins, 55, a clerical worker at Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC.

I've been getting some questions about the Swine Flu/H1N1 vaccination debacle and it's possible mandatory status. Let me give you my thoughts, in 2 parts (yes, I read your feedback, already: KEEP IT SHORTER, DR LOU!) ...

First off, nothing has changed in my overall vaccination philosophy; a FLU SHOT, by any other name, is still a SHOT OF THE FLU. Because the fear of a world-wide pandemic has been fostered, this one is being rushed to production (never a good thing) and will contain Thimerosal, a Mercury-based preservative and known neuro-toxin that is in most vaccinations and has been linked to increased rates of childhood Autism. Bad enough.

But there's more to this story, and most of it is well under the radar. This H1N1 is one strange bird ...or pig ...or ...? For some reason not explainable even by many geneticists, H1N1 causes concern because it contains not only human genetic material, but bird and swine genes to boot. Just so you understand ...this bugger has a make-up that does not occur in nature -- it's part human, part pig, part bird.

And this concern isn't coming from some wacko Birther/Tea-Bagger-type splinter group. In fact, one of the world's leading virus experts, Professor Adrian Gibbs, an Australian researcher who -- during his 40-year career -- has authored more than 250 scientific publications and worked with Swiss drug maker Roche to develop the anti-viral flu drug, oseltamivir ..marketed as "Tamiflu" said: "One of the simplest explanations is that it’s a laboratory escape."

POP QUIZ: Okay ...nothing in nature has the Dr Moreauesque genetic makeup described above. But do you know what does? If you guessed Lady Gaga you were close ...but no, it's VACCINATIONS. As you may remember from previous e-mails, vaccinations are attenuated (weakened) strains of a particular virus antigen that is grown on dead and decaying animal tissues including BIRDS and PIGS, then injected into HUMANS.

Just three weeks after the virus was first identified in Mexico, Professor Gibbs stunned the world by declaring that the H1N1 virus could have accidentally evolved in eggs that scientists use to grow viruses and drug makers use while making vaccines. Gibbs was analyzing the genetic blueprint of the H1N1 virus, trying to find out who were the "ancestors" of the H1N1 virus. And his conclusion was that the H1N1 has too many -- and too diverse -- "ancestors" to develop naturally. He was not the only, nor the first person to reach this conclusion. Even before Professor Gibbs' stunning proclamation, it was already known that the H1N1 virus has the genetic codes of: 1) Human influenza 2) Bird Flu from North America 3) Swine flu from Europe and 4) Swine flu from Asia.

Mike Adams, editor of NaturalNews, author of many articles on microbiology, genetics and pandemics wrote this about this impossible genetic soup: "it means an infected bird from North America would have had to infect pigs in Europe, then be re-infected by those same pigs with an unlikely cross-species mutation that allowed the bird to carry it again, then that bird would have had to fly to Asia and infected pigs there, and those Asian pigs then mutated the virus once again (while preserving the European swine and bird flu elements) to become human transmittable, and then a human would have had to catch that virus from the Asian pigs — in Mexico! — and spread it to others."

As Vince from those late-night SHAM-WOW! commercials would say when he's not getting arrested for beating up hookers, "You gettin' this camera guy?"

There are a few other novelties to this little H1N1 bugger. Scientist are able to determine where virus strains originate using a technique called "oligonucleotide mapping" ...a kind of viral fingerprinting that can help determine it's ancestral origins. In reading some of the more technical blogs frequented by geneticists and others with high levels of knowledge (NERD ALERT! they're very hard to read!) I found out that: 1) every strain of influenza has an H protein,Hemagglutinin, which allows the virus to attach to human host cells, and 2) an N protein, Neuraminidase, which destroys mucous, hence the H1N1 insignia. BTW: it's still the same "Swine Flu" ...they just went to it's nomenclature name so people would start eating pork again, which had nothing to do with catching the flu.

It seems there is some added concern with the geneti-nerds that this particular "N" component has not been seen since 1977, which is odd enough, but of particular concern is that it's reappearance in 2008 has an added element: it's completely and utterly unchanged, which is impossible. Viruses live very short lives, most less than a few hours, so not seeing any natural mutative changes (nature NEVER stands still) in 31 years simply cannot happen. Unless it was (and I quote one geneti-nerd) "...frozen in a laboratory freezer since 1977, and was released, either by intent or accident. This possibility has been denied by some government scientists, but remains to this day the only scientifically plausible explanation."

The suggestion is clear: THIS VIRUS IS MAN-MADE. The question is ...what to do?

Stay tuned for PART II about "Dr Lou, the Flu, and What to Do!"


Dr Lou