I've been asked many times recently of my views on Health Care Reform, and to be honest, I feel ill-equipped to come up with an good answer. This article is my answer ...it's a bit long, somewhat hard and goes deep, but like many things in life with those attributes ...well worth it. I tried to use my particular brand of Dr LoUniversal humor to get through it ...re-reading it made me laugh to beat the band ...well, parts, anyway.
PART I: Some Facts.
A slew of recent news articles proclaim that the cost of health care is out of control, mostly because of the expanding Super-Size of the average American. A study published in the journal Health Affairs, released at the CDC's "Weight of the Nation" conference in Washington, supplied these swollen figures:
a) U.S. obesity rates rose a hefty 37% between 1998 and 2006, creating a Whopperesque 89% increase in money spent on obesity-related diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and other conditions.
b) On average, these large folk spend $1,429 per year (or 42%) more for medical care than normal weight people, with most of that spent on the prescription drugs meant to offset the damage done by too many Big Mac Attacks.
Medicare spends from $1,400 to $6,000 more annually on health care for obese seniors than for the non-huge. And, according to the Trust for America's Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, childhood obesity rates have nearly tripled since 1990. Want some extra fries with that with that shocker?
Not surprisingly, the South is the fattest region. Grand Ole Miss led the nation for the fifth year in a row with an adult obesity rate of 32.5%. Also above the 30% mark are three other states south of the Mason-Dixon: Alabama bulking out at 31.2%; West Virginia clocking in a chunky 31.1%; and Tennessee posting a porky 30.2%. Talk about a Big Gulp!
Remember, we're not just talking "overweight" here. Heck ...over 2/3rds of the nation are that now, and clearly okay with it. OBESE is defined as more than 20% of one's normal weight or having a BMI of 30 or more. Ex: a 175lber graduates to obese-class when they tip the scales at a portly 210lbs. And although it's worse there than the rest of the nation, this is not just a Southern problem. In 1991, not one state had more than a 20% obesity rate, and a couple were still in the single digits. Today, the only state that doesn't is Colorado, at 18.9%. Who knew that a "Colorado Rocky Mountain High" didn't include the munchies?
Most disturbing is that Mississippi also had the highest rate of overweight and obese children combined, at 44.4%. It's followed by Arkansas with 37.5% chubby kids; and Georgia with 37.3% shopping in the XXL section. In other words, we're closing in on NEARLY HALF of the nation's kids being Big N' Tasty. The study also mentions that kids are "bombarded" by TV commercials touting sugar concoctions and fast-food franchises. It explains why Ronald MacDonald is the most recognized face for kids age 4-10, just ahead of Miley Cyrus, who I believe now even has her chirpy visage on teen tampon applicators.
But leave it to the aging baby-boomers to lead the pack. In every state, the rate of obesity is higher among 55 to 64 year-olds than any other age group. Let's hear it for the ultimate consumer generation and their addiction to CONVENIENCE over substance! Alabama lumbers into the lead spot with a Boomer obesity rate of 39% ...4 OUT OF 10! Michigan waddles into the #2 spot at a hefty 36%. Colorado also comes in last this category with the lowest rate, 21.8% ...what, not enough Baconnaise being sold there?
President Obama is trying to overhaul a health system literally bursting at the seams treating these diseases caused by --and it ain't rocket science folks-- too many eating too much and moving too little. And yes ...the dangers of manufactured, packaged, processed, de-vitalized foods --in other words DEPLETION FOODS (see: http://drlouniverse.blogsp
PART II: Time to "Think Outside The Bun"
Here's the thing: The 68% (and growing) of Americans obsessed with the self-serving fast-food mantra of "Have it Your Way" are destroying not only themselves, they are a burden to the entire planet's resources by using up more than their share; an obese person eats about 250 more calories PER MEAL than a normal weight person. And for those trying to change our relationship to our environment and ourselves, and to reduce our energy usage-- that's where the buck stops. Tens of billions of dollars are spent every year on "diet management" for the McNugget-stuffed, yet some 800 million people in the third world alone are left hungry and undernourished, their next meal in doubt. Is it too much to ask that a person --who can't take a flight of stairs or no longer even sees their own knees-- have a little consciousness with that Hot Pocket? Is it fair that the rest of us pick up the tab for their over-indulgences?
And the current "health care reform?" There is no "health" in this reform; it's just a re-configuration of a system designed to get more drugs into more people. You really think the pharmaceutical companies care how they get there and who makes what on the way?
After deeply contemplating the enormity of these figures, I have come up with a Fair and Balanced (TM, FauxNews) way to dole out health care: I propose that health care be charged ON A RATED, GRADED, PER-USAGE, TIERED SYSTEM, similar to our utilities. That way, those who use it more, pay more, and those who don't pay less.
A simple rating system can take into account certain measurable parameters, which will be calculated to come up with a PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY INDICATOR QUOTIENT ("PRIQ") score compiled from:
1) BMI Rating ("BMI" or Body Mass Index is a measure of body fat based on height and weight: http://www.nhlbisupport.co
2) MD Office Visit Frequency. A person who sees an MD 3 times a month is obviously doing things differently than one who hasn't seen one in 25 years (like me). There should also be a separate CARELESS MODALITY EVENT ("C-ME") statistic, a numerical value assigned that takes into account how ofter one needs emergency care. A bungee-jumper who forgets to secure his ankle straps, a drunk who repeatedly smashes their face falling down stairs, or a thrill seeker doing sweet jumps on his Quad has to know that they are responsible for the cost their stupidity.
3) Prescriptions Filled. If you consume drugs, you must pay for them. For those who don't, the rates should reflect that. I propose that the cost of drugs should be much higher, and very heavily taxed. I also want ALL research moved OUT of our Universities and funded ONLY by the Pharmaceutical companies themselves, then properly tested by 3 independent research labs. Yes, this will drive the cost of drugs up ...unfortunately, for many people who don't care about their health, cost is the only motivation to cut down on their abuse.
4) Cigarette Smoker. Cigarettes KILL and waste BILLION$ each year, and for those who care about their health, this is a no-brainer. I propose obscenely high taxes on cancer-sticks. Second-hand smoke kills, too ...and I'm still waiting for that one person who murders their smoking spouse, claiming it was "self-defense" because they wouldn't quit.
5) Preventative Holistic Care Credits. For those dedicated enough to want the very best, real cash credits can be earned against possible claims by submitting proof of money spent on Wellness care. It's money in the bank ...literally.
As you can see, those who TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR HEALTH will have the lowest "PRIQ" score and pay the least, while those who disregard their health will have a high "PRIQ" score and pay the most -- as it should be. What I like about this is that it has a built-in reward system for being healthy, and a penalty for being not healthy. Like life itself.
If you're less of a "PRIQ" about YOUR health, and don't look for others to save you, life will be good for all.
Need some health? Lower your "PRIQ" by getting in quick. Know anyone else with too high a "PRIQ"? ...send them here: http://4pains.com/Fabale/h
Now ...this was a bit tongue-in-cheek (or tongue somewhere), so please don't accuse me of anything rash like espousing Palin's imaginary "Death Panels" or euthanasia. I hope at least that it stimulated some thought process in your brain. The logistics of this type of system is possible, but the big problem is that so many are already so seriously sick that it couldn't be fairly implemented without a massive intermediary plan.
The sad fact of the health care reform debate is that it's neither reforming, nor is it a debate. Have you seen clips of these screaming idiots at Town meetings? How is it that the concept of affordable, reliable heath care for all has become so un-American to them?? Why is it that a certain segment of America won't trust their own Government with their health care, but will trust Corporations?
We've given the so-called 'health insurance' companies plenty of time to prove how utterly wasteful, cruel, and disastrous they can be. Time for Plan B! Their cabal with Big Pharm has bankrupted too many and corrupted the entire system, almost beyond repair.
But repair it we must. Prevention and Wellness are the only real solution ...but that takes time, real foresight, and education. And government legislation to regulate the unethical Pharmaceutical Industry and the out-of-control Processed Food Industry ...both getting away with murder marketing packaged, untested poisons. An interim plan is needed. Will it be an easy solution? No way. Like I wrote ...unfortunately, it seems that most of it is just shuffling ...how to get more drugs to more people.
Do your part. be active ...as in MOVE MORE, EAT LESS. Pass this on.....
1 comment:
So many of my friends are on anti-depressants. And they have been since in their teens.
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