Friday, June 5, 2009

Who's decision is it, anyway?

One of my Practice Members decided to leave a job that was less-than-desirable, and found that --the moment she left-- the universe flooded her with new possibilities. Her INNATE INTELLIGENCE, freed from it's vibrations of DIS-EASE over the last few months during her care here, could now attract a new world.

It reminded me of an important part of my "How I got to Chiropractic" story. It has to do with the timing of the "accidental" neck injury I suffered that originally got me to go to a Chiropractor, and the mind-set I was in just prior to that infamous injury.

In the last e-mail "I Don't Believe in Getting Sick!" (read it here I discussed how the word "decide" comes from the Latin decidere, which means simply to "cut away." So a decision is nothing more than a cutting away of what does not work for us. The Universe will then match our vibrations with the right stuff.

For several months prior to my neck injury, I had many things on my mind that, in retrospect, were precursors to the "shock" of the accident that happened at break-neck speed. The first was a recurring dream where people would call me "DOC" ...which, being one of seven siblings, was also my play-name, each of us after one of the Seven Dwarfs. No, I wasn't Grumpy, but I wasn't Happy, either.

Another was that the concept of "my life's work" which I strongly identified with when I was younger, and which now became an almost obsessive thought as I approached age 30. I didn't have a clue what it was, but I knew my life had to have more to it than bossing around a bunch of cretins in a warehouse and delivery business.

I had even gone to a couple of career councilors who made me fill out pages of questionnaires, only to tell me what I already knew about myself ..."good communication skills" ... "spiritual, but not religious" ..."multi-tasker" ..."artistic" ... "science-minded" ... "opinionated" ....but what I wanted was: "YOU WILL BE GREAT AT_______________" ...but,dagnabbitt ...that didn't happen.

So I kept looking and wondering. An important part of the story (maybe the most important) is that I never gave up inside on this question. Sometimes, it actually hurt in my chest when I thought about it ...a sort of separation anxiety of me being removed from what was to become my real life. A life that already existed in higher space and time, but one that required a change of my being to get there. I "wished" for something to happen ...a sign, if you will. It was a kind of prayer.

I didn't have the fortitude to leave the career I had, even though it was killing me. "WISHING" ...which is a BELIEF in what is POSSIBLE and the result of ACTIVE-ity, and not PASSIVE-ity, is an important ingredient in CHANGE. If we do not actively meditate on something we want, the universe cannot fulfill our request ...because there will be no request.

If we don't cease what isn't working, we can't expect anything new. It's like a docking-port on a spaceship ...if the port is occupied, how can any new supplies arrive? Without a way to see it for myself, The Universe stepped in and ...whamo! ...hit me with its rhythm stick ...a nice, big, fat, juicy desk, wrecking my neck and making me go to a pesky CHIROPRACTOR.

The rest is history history ..that, in fact ...changed the entire Universe ...for I would not be here, and all of you would not be reading this.

Our wounds are the apertures with which we give our gifts to the world.

Thankfully, my Practice Member above didn't have to be put in the cross-hairs of Mother Nature's patented CHANGE-GUN like I did. I wasn't in the care of a holistic practitioner who was looking out for my INNATE the GREAT like she is now. Or ...(and this is probably the truthier) I obviously wasn't evolved enough to earn the "peaceful" route.

The fact is, each of you is far more evolved by the time you already meet me. And know what? It's so much more FUN being with YOU GUYS than the folks who populated my past. And THAT thought pust a HUGE smile on my face :)

Know anybody who DOESN'T want to be hit with falling desk, or a house out of the sky? Send them this link as a gift:

And, if you are stuck right now ...get on in NOW to get out of your dis-ease.

Got questions? Hit me, hit me ...hit ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your Grateful As All Heck That I Got Here Alive Agent For YOUR Change,

Dr Lou

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