Saturday, December 27, 2008


Dear Friend,

I want to thank you ALL for your wonderful feedback on the two previous coffee pieces giving you ONE MORE CUP!

I'm happy to report that I believe I have helped facilitate the release of TONS of built-up, unconscious internal negative associations many people have held onto in regards to their coffee drinking.

Many of you wrote about your coffee consumption in a statement something like this: "Dr Lou, even though I know it's bad for me, I still love my morning coffee and can't imagine my life without it."

Let's look at the wording of this statement.

"Even though I KNOW THAT IT'S BAD for me..." That "I KNOW" is very important because it sets up a certain "TRUTH" (It's bad for me) we just found out not a truth at all! But the effects of that PERCEIVED truth will set in motion a whole host of reactions that can create problems that could manifest as symptoms.

When we DO SOMETHING, in this instance eat or drink something that we believe is "BAD" for us, we set up an internal discrepancy that our bodymind cannot resolve. Our subconscious mind, informed by that incongruous thinking, will not know how to act. It will literally be in a state on confusion wavering between 'yes" and "no."

Without resolution, that inner disharmony sets up an out-of-phase frequency, similar to what happens when a two plucked guitar strings are slightly out of tune; you will hear what is called a "Beat Frequency" or “Offset Frequency” or “Binaural Beat” or "Modulated Offset Harmonic" (MOH) Frequencies ...a sort of "wha-wha-wha" sound that will become closer and slower as the strings reach the same tension or tone. This is called a Heterodyne Effect.

You can go here and click on the links to hear an example (not a great one, though):

At the very least least in the example above you can hear how bad it sounds when there is DIS-harmony. Internally, when we have incongruent thoughts or emotions, and since we ourselves are vibrations slowed down and precipitated into matter, the frequency of this awful sound is what distorts and damages our tissues. We repair or replace a billion cells per second, so if there is a heterodyne frequency inside us, it will effect the development of those cells. This is how a dis-ease can manifest for decades, even thought he tissues themselves are replaced every few months, the NEW ones are built on a faulty template.

If we are in a job or circumstance we "hate" or drinking a certain beverage we hold a negative attitude about ..we are doing damage to our tissues. I just read that 64% of Americans "hate" their job. I've been there career before I was a Chiro-Dude, I was managing a shipping business back in Connecticut. As a manager, I had to be in the position of dealing with the costumers and their unrealistic expectations, the owner of the company and his unrealistic expectations, all the while trying to run the show with a menagerie of underpaid criminals, thugs, thieves, low-lifes, no-life, and always high-lifes "working" for me. What a blast.

I was in a constant state of stress, inside and out. A single dad of 2 chirping birds in the nest, I was nearly 190lbs (I'm 155lbs now), was hiding behind a full beard and long hair, drank 8-10 cups of horrible Fanny Farmer rot-gut, battery acid coffee chock full of powdered non-dairy creamer made in a Mr Coffee machine I NEVER cleaned, ate meals off one of those stinky buzzard wagons that prowl industrial parks, and drank a "few" scotches at night to get to sleep. I was running the operation from my anger with threats and menaces. Things were not good, and I was not listening to my inner voice that knew the jig was up. I was all of 28.

Needless to say, the buried inner healer in me was being severely damaged by the discrepancy of the outer life I was living. Which is why cosmic events conspired to drop a 400 lb desk on my neck, opening me up to the possibility of chiropractic, and a brand new direction in my life. No matter what we THINK we "do," everything ends up the way it's supposed to, vibrationally speaking.

Even though it somehow worked out for me, I don't recommend the path of not listening.!!!!! We all know what we need to do's just that the cacophony of life shrouds the voice. Getting adjusted WILL clear your body of unnecessary tension that is blocking your true voice.

Back to COFFEE!

OK ..I have to mention a few things about what some of you have admitted putting INTO your HEART-FRIENDLY coffee.


SPLENDA : Splenda is NOT splendid and is NOT from sugar! It's a artificial, man-made chlorinated sucralose molecule originally developed and manufactured by the insecticide industry to lure cockroaches towards the poison. DO YOU REALLY NEED TO HEAR MORE?

That goes for ALL "ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS!" NO PINK, BLUE, or YELLOW!! They are artificial chemicals designed to fool your tongue ...oh...and since they will accumulate in your liver because they cannot be metabolized, they WILL ruin your liver much faster than alcohol. see:

CREAMORA: This includes ALL the "Non-Dairy Creamers" including Hazelnut Fat-Free CoffeeMate ...which I hear is like mouth-crack. Excuse me ...but ...WTF!!!!!! A diabolically sick concoction of High Fructose Corn Oil, Hydrogenated Corn/Soybean Oil, horrible chemical additives, poisonous chemical flavorings and colorings ..that you ingest because it tastes so good??!!

I had a PM a few years ago who finally admitted ...after trying for 3 months to lose weight on my Food Rules but wasn't getting anywhere ...that she had 8 - 10 cups of coffee a day ...and 2/3rds of it was CREAMORA!!!! Let me put it this way ..if you are still putting that HORRIFIC CRAP in you, it will just rot your innards and put YOU in the ground, so why would you waste your time and money coming to see a healer like me?

I use RICE MILK ...most of them have some not-so-good oils in them, but I buy one that has them down the list. If you didn't know, all food labels are written with the most prevalent ingredient FIRST, then the next one second...all the way to the least one last. I also will use ORGANIC WHOLE MILK or Half-n-Half (NEVER "fat-free" or "reduced fat" because of the processing involved) ..and RAW CREAM if I can get, and afford it. NEVER use FLAVORED ones. If you want to, buy some good organic vanilla extract and put a few drops in.

NEVER use SOY milk's just a ton of toxic SOY OIL, most of it GMO soy even if the label says it's not. Google "MONSANTO" (or what I call "THE DEVIL INCARNATE") ..or see the DVD "The Future of Food"

I you MUST sweeten you coffee, please use HONEY, PURE MAPLE SYRUP, AGAVE, STEVIA, UNPROCESSED CANE SUGAR (a/k/a SUCANAT) ..or..if you must ..a small amount of THE WHITE STUFF..which is always much better than any chemicals.

So please ...enjoy a HEALTH, ROBUST cup of coffee to your HEARTS content ...literally.

Your Chock Full of Nuts and Bolts Java Jivin' Mocha Chip for Health,

Dr. Lou

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