Tuesday, October 13, 2009

FLU-EE!! Dr Lou, The Flu, and You!

"I don't want to be a guinea pig and I don't think I should be forced to take something I don't want to take." -- Orne Banks-Hopkins, 55, a clerical worker at Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC.

I've been getting some questions about the Swine Flu/H1N1 vaccination debacle and it's possible mandatory status. Let me give you my thoughts, in 2 parts (yes, I read your feedback, already: KEEP IT SHORTER, DR LOU!) ...

First off, nothing has changed in my overall vaccination philosophy; a FLU SHOT, by any other name, is still a SHOT OF THE FLU. Because the fear of a world-wide pandemic has been fostered, this one is being rushed to production (never a good thing) and will contain Thimerosal, a Mercury-based preservative and known neuro-toxin that is in most vaccinations and has been linked to increased rates of childhood Autism. Bad enough.

But there's more to this story, and most of it is well under the radar. This H1N1 is one strange bird ...or pig ...or ...? For some reason not explainable even by many geneticists, H1N1 causes concern because it contains not only human genetic material, but bird and swine genes to boot. Just so you understand ...this bugger has a make-up that does not occur in nature -- it's part human, part pig, part bird.

And this concern isn't coming from some wacko Birther/Tea-Bagger-type splinter group. In fact, one of the world's leading virus experts, Professor Adrian Gibbs, an Australian researcher who -- during his 40-year career -- has authored more than 250 scientific publications and worked with Swiss drug maker Roche to develop the anti-viral flu drug, oseltamivir ..marketed as "Tamiflu" said: "One of the simplest explanations is that it’s a laboratory escape."

POP QUIZ: Okay ...nothing in nature has the Dr Moreauesque genetic makeup described above. But do you know what does? If you guessed Lady Gaga you were close ...but no, it's VACCINATIONS. As you may remember from previous e-mails, vaccinations are attenuated (weakened) strains of a particular virus antigen that is grown on dead and decaying animal tissues including BIRDS and PIGS, then injected into HUMANS.

Just three weeks after the virus was first identified in Mexico, Professor Gibbs stunned the world by declaring that the H1N1 virus could have accidentally evolved in eggs that scientists use to grow viruses and drug makers use while making vaccines. Gibbs was analyzing the genetic blueprint of the H1N1 virus, trying to find out who were the "ancestors" of the H1N1 virus. And his conclusion was that the H1N1 has too many -- and too diverse -- "ancestors" to develop naturally. He was not the only, nor the first person to reach this conclusion. Even before Professor Gibbs' stunning proclamation, it was already known that the H1N1 virus has the genetic codes of: 1) Human influenza 2) Bird Flu from North America 3) Swine flu from Europe and 4) Swine flu from Asia.

Mike Adams, editor of NaturalNews, author of many articles on microbiology, genetics and pandemics wrote this about this impossible genetic soup: "it means an infected bird from North America would have had to infect pigs in Europe, then be re-infected by those same pigs with an unlikely cross-species mutation that allowed the bird to carry it again, then that bird would have had to fly to Asia and infected pigs there, and those Asian pigs then mutated the virus once again (while preserving the European swine and bird flu elements) to become human transmittable, and then a human would have had to catch that virus from the Asian pigs — in Mexico! — and spread it to others."

As Vince from those late-night SHAM-WOW! commercials would say when he's not getting arrested for beating up hookers, "You gettin' this camera guy?"

There are a few other novelties to this little H1N1 bugger. Scientist are able to determine where virus strains originate using a technique called "oligonucleotide mapping" ...a kind of viral fingerprinting that can help determine it's ancestral origins. In reading some of the more technical blogs frequented by geneticists and others with high levels of knowledge (NERD ALERT! they're very hard to read!) I found out that: 1) every strain of influenza has an H protein,Hemagglutinin, which allows the virus to attach to human host cells, and 2) an N protein, Neuraminidase, which destroys mucous, hence the H1N1 insignia. BTW: it's still the same "Swine Flu" ...they just went to it's nomenclature name so people would start eating pork again, which had nothing to do with catching the flu.

It seems there is some added concern with the geneti-nerds that this particular "N" component has not been seen since 1977, which is odd enough, but of particular concern is that it's reappearance in 2008 has an added element: it's completely and utterly unchanged, which is impossible. Viruses live very short lives, most less than a few hours, so not seeing any natural mutative changes (nature NEVER stands still) in 31 years simply cannot happen. Unless it was (and I quote one geneti-nerd) "...frozen in a laboratory freezer since 1977, and was released, either by intent or accident. This possibility has been denied by some government scientists, but remains to this day the only scientifically plausible explanation."

The suggestion is clear: THIS VIRUS IS MAN-MADE. The question is ...what to do?

Stay tuned for PART II about "Dr Lou, the Flu, and What to Do!"


Dr Lou

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